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Guangsha University

Zhejiang Guangsha Vocational and Technical University of Construction (referred to hereinafter as Guangsha University), is one of the first vocational and technical universities in China. Guansha University is located in the City of Dongyang in the Jinyi Metropolitan Area in the middle of Zhejiang Province, which is a provincial, historical and cultural city known as the “Hometown of Education, Hometown of Architecture, Hometown of Arts and Crafts”. The university is organized across seven colleges with 37 majors, including 18 undergraduate majors, 2 national backbone majors, and 7 provincial characteristic majors in the 13th Five-Year Plan. At present, the university has a total of over 12,000 students on campus.

The predecessor of the school was Zhejiang Guangsha Construction Vocational and Technical College. Its roots can be traced back to 2003 when the university was formally approved by Zhejiang Provincial Government and established on the basis of former Jinhua Urban and Rural Construction School and Dongyang College of Zhejiang Radio and Television University. In December, 2019, it was appointed by the Ministry of Education as a pilot undergraduate-level vocational college and was tentatively named Zhejiang Guangsha Construction Vocational and Technical College (Undergraduate). In June 2020, the Ministry of Education officially renamed the university as Zhejiang Guangsha Construction Vocational and Technical University. Since August 2021, the university has become a state-owned but still private-run university.

Since the establishment of the university, Xi Jinping, Zhang Dejiang and Xia Baolong have successively inspected the school. The university adheres to the mission of “serving regional development and cultivating first-class technical talents”. It firmly holds the belief of “constant self-improvement and persistent climbing” and is dedicated to provide students with the education that is “student-oriented, education-oritented, quality first, and characteristics first”. The university is listed as a demonstration training base for skilled talents in the construction industry by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Construction, and has a national vocational skills appraisal institute for special types of work in the construction industry.

Recently, the construction engineering technology major has been selected into the cultivating list of high-level professional groups in Zhejiang Province. With civil engineering as the leader, the university has coordinated the development of majors such as advanced equipment manufacturing, electronic information, finance and commerce, and culture and art. In 2021, the university ranked the 10th in the province in the assessment by Provincial Government's Higher Vocational College Evaluation Committee. The university currently has one national cultural inheritance and innovation demonstration specialty point in vocational colleges, one provincial intangible cultural heritage inheritance teaching base, seven provincial excellent courses, and five provincial excellent online open courses. Eight courses including Chinese woodcarving art were selected into the national smart education platform, ranking the third among national vocational and technical universities. In addition, the university has successively won a second prize of the National Teaching Achievement Award, three first prizes and two second prizes of the Zhejiang Provincial Teaching Achievement Award. The university has obtained three projects of the Ministry of Education Planning Fund and won one first prize of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award.

The university strives for international cooperation. It has successively established international cooperative education relations with famous universities in the United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland, South Korea and Malasia. In October 2018, the school's Congo (Brazzaville) international student program was officially implemented, and the first batch of 21 foreign students from Congo (Brazzaville) came to the school for a four-year woodcarving study.

The previous graduates are well-received by employers because of their respect for teachers, discipline, ability to endure hardships, good cooperation, and professional skills. According to the authoritative release of Hangzhou's Official Media, the number of our graduates employed in Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang, has ranked among the top three in the universities outside Hangzhou within the province for two consecutive years. In addition, the number of graduates employed in Hangzhou has increased year by year. The overall employment rate of university graduates is about 98%, ranking among the top universities in the province for 8 consecutive years. According to the data provided by the third-party evaluation institutions such as Mycos, the average income of our graduates three months after graduation is higher than the average level of national higher vocational colleges. Their income five years after graduation ranked sixth among similar colleges and universities in the country and ranked second among similar colleges and universities in Zhejiang Province.